Tolerance. It is always about our DIFFERENCES. A great blessing. What a vanilla world this would be - with all of us the same. Where would we find the fulfillment of contribution as we teach, influence, inspire those around us. What would we do with Professors, Pastors, Rabbis, Gurus and Preachers if everyone shared the same experiences, opinions, IQ, preferences and purpose in life? I DO love vanilla and the comfort of occasional "matching" of one who shares my beliefs in a given moment. But far more enticing is that indescribable moment of INTERSECTION, where two very different beings connect with passion and inspiration in a moment of synergy of action or ideas. Today that occurred not once, but three times with very special clients/friends. I am proud of their advances, their awakening, their aliveness. This is where success may be measured in my current stage of life. Abundance will follow them now as they hold faith and taste the possibilities aligned with who they are meant to be.
PamWriting to you, knowing how unique our viewpoints may be. When resisting, ask yourself "What Else is Possible?". My experience and personal truth in any moment is just that - mine for you to consider. All Things are Possible - ATAP Archives
December 2014